domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

THE "MARY" of education

A few days ago we read in one of the articles of opinion of the newspaper El Mundo an article signed by Emilio Sanchez Vicario today I transcribe for your delight and opinéis openly with your thoughts and reactions.

Emilio Sánchez Vicario

London Olympics 2012 SPANISH SPORT

THE "MARY" of educationBY: Emilio Sanchez Vicario

These games, for some, has been a disaster for others can be saved by the medals won and for some, like me, have been a good result. For many laps to give you, our sport really does not allow us to compete at the level of many other countries with many more resources and done by the girls has a total merit the means at their disposal.This harsh reality comes from an education that does not include the sport, and our society is not athletic. In 70-80 years many clubs were created, and because of them we became somewhat competitive. Then came Barcelona'92 and boom. Thanks to the ADO program, more money, more media arrived, better coaches and more competicionesque did increase the level. This we reported 22 medals in '92. After we lost or gained a little, but it is clear that we have stalled. The reason is clear: in a democracy we have had eight legislatures, presidents and so many changes in the education system. None of them all agreed the sport, which remains the Mary of the Marys of the school years, with a mandatory hour a week. How can we be so competitive? If you're in obesity and dropout. If you do not practice it shows small and these shortcomings are more basic in sports: athletics, gymnastics and swimming. If a child got behind a family who loves the sport, you point to any club, but how many do? If we add that the budget for sport in countries like Italy or France is almost four times more, look and see the medal that is in relation to the investment. Let's not complain, we still do not find formulas and even graces we teniendos medals. Look at countries like China or Korea, who integrated the sport as part of education, and put resources and means. Even the countries that boost rebates to support the sport and is privatized and not dependent on subsidies.
Ask several politicians Will we ensure that the sport is part of school life? Impossible, they said, if we did estriamos forced to remove other materials, and what that would mean with faculty. Furthermore, these associations are not prepared, no facilities. And then we want medals?

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